Alan Powell Op Ed: First Week of General Assembly See New Appointments

powell 1Last Monday, January 9, 2017, marked the first day of the 154th Legislative Session of the Georgia General Assembly and the first day of the 2017-2018 term!

As such, all 180 members of the Georgia House of Representatives took the oath of office and were formally sworn in.

I am honored that with 25 new members and nine new chairmanships, I will continue to serve you as Chairman of Public Safety and Homeland Security. I will also serve you as member on Appropriations, Governmental Affairs, Motor Vehicles, Regulated Industries, Rules, and Small Business Committees.

During an eventful first week of the 2017 session, the House convened to take up business, committees began meeting to discuss legislation, and Governor Nathan Deal delivered his seventh annual State of the State address on Wednesday, January 11, before a joint session of the House and Senate. Despite being what is considered a lame duck he has by no means backed off on pursuing issues that enhance our state and Georgia remains in excellent fiscal condition.

During his annual speech, the governor presented the current conditions and goals of our state government for the year ahead. You can read about it below in my “Week in Review”.

Please feel free to contact me by email at any time with questions, concerns, or ideas. You are always welcome to come by my capitol office at 613-B Coverdell Legislative Office Building. My office number is 404-464-3793.

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I commit to you my undying allegiance to our Constitution and to upholding the rights it endows us.
