Congressman Collins Says President’s Executive Order is Political Retaliation

U.S. Congressman Doug Collins (GA-09) say President Barack Obama’s Executive Order regarding immigration is a retaliations for losing seat in the Congress.


Collins said Obama is taking our his anger on the American people for rejecting his agenda through the due process of elections two weeks ago.


Collins said the President has had six years to work with Congress. two of those years with his part in total control of Washington , on constructive, compassionate and fair immigration reform.


And the Congressman warned that those who are in the United States illegally should be deeply concerned about the president’s intentions.

Collins said, “so many immigrant come to this country from places where the rule of law and the will of the people are defied. That President Obama has taken it upon himself to do the same thing with his executive order should be as troubling to them as it is for the millions of law-abiding citizens who have trusted this man to uphold the Constitution.”


Collins said Congress will fight the President’s executive order because it is political retaliation.