Royston City Council Meets Tonight to Vote on Proposed City Manager Finalist

The Royston City Council will meet in a called session this evening to formally vote to hire their new city manager.

Late last month, mayor David Jordan said the council had selected Lavonia business owner Edward Andrews of Martin as the sole finalist.

Before retiring in 2013, Andrews had a careers with the Georgia Army National Guard and the Georgia Department of Defense where he worked as a mechanical maintenance supervisor.

Royston has been without a city manager since March when former city manager Greg Scott resigned to take a job with the U.S. Air National Guard in Florida.

At last week’s city council meeting, the city council held a brief opportunity for any citizen to ask questions or voice concerns about the council’s choice, but no one spoke up.

During their search, Jordan said the council was looking for someone who understood small town government.

In announcing the council’s choice for sole finalist, Jordan said Andrews has that and other qualifications that make h im the best person for the job.

“Out of all of the applications, he had the broadest range of experience and skills,” Jordan said. “We had a lot of outstanding applications, but those qualifications really made him stand out among the rest.”

No word on when Andrews will start his new job.

Tonight’s meeting takes place at 7p at Council meeting room at Royston City Hall.